
Teenage heartache Becomes middle age chest pain I am nostalgic for no one I look forward to nothing Youthful ambition Atrophies and stagnates Aspirations choke and die Apathy takes their place The story of my life could fit on one side of a page Folded into quarters, cut in half and double spaced Nearly three decades of drawn-out decay Reduced to a single refrain I sing I have done everything wrong And it's a hard pill to swallow when you take the whole bottle at once And all young lovers Grow to resent each other Sparks fly then fall and die Old flames get smothered And all my potential Lost and never recovered If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't even have bothered And even in my wildest dreams I just sit and watch TV Maybe call up my best friends to see if they remember me I think in a language I don't speak I don't say anything I mean Ungraciously admit defeat A lifelong losing streak because I have done everything wrong And it's a hard pill to swallow when you take the whole bottle When you take the whole bottle you wake up and everyone is gone
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