The Dale Cooper Quartetの「Astrild Astrild」を聴こう。
The Dale Cooper Quartet
Astrild Astrild
Album - Jazz, Music, Electronic, Electronica
As their Twin Peaks-inspired band name suggests, the ominous soundscapes of Gaël Loison, Christophe Mevel, Yannick Martin, and guests (not in fact a quartet) evoke composer Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch. But on Astrild Astrild—which is even more abstract than their previous effort—the strange stillness of this “dark jazz” also harks back to rain-soaked Brittany, the group’s home region in northwest France. The low drones, creepy voice, and saxophone of the impossibly slow “Pemp ajour imposte” provides a good entry point.

The Dale Cooper Quartetの他のアルバム
