Posłuchaj utworu Are You Ready for the Big Show? (Live) wykonywanego przez Radney Foster.
Radney Foster
Are You Ready for the Big Show? (Live)
Album - Country, Music, Contemporary Country, Urban Cowboy
Though he started his career in Nashville, Radney Foster’s music has always been more aligned with the scene in Austin, Texas. It makes sense that the singer/songwriter’s first live album comes from the inside of Austin's Continental Club. Recorded on Sept. 21st and 22nd of 2000, it starts with a classic introduction courtesy of Charlie Miller, the legendary shoeshine man who was a fixture outside the club for decades: “Nawyoo riddy fadda Big Show?” The ensuing set captures all the joy and sweat of a great night in Austin, though—to Foster’s credit—he finds a way to keep the music light on its feet where other artists might bear down too hard. A subtle bounciness runs through every track, suggesting that all these tunes are dance songs (even the ones that move too slow to dance to). Among the highlights are “Tonight,” “Just Call Me Lonesome,” “Went for a Ride,” “Folding Money," and the beautiful “How You Play the Hand.” By the time Foster closes with a wholeheartedly sweet version of the love song “I’m In,” you’ll be picturing Charlie Miller waltzing with the prettiest girl in the room.

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