Populární hudební videa od interpreta Cory Henry
O umělci Cory Henry
Životopis interpreta
One of the finest Hammond B-3 organ players of his generation, Cory Henry is also a respected bandleader and producer as well as an in-demand sideman. He began as a child prodigy, playing both instruments by the time he was two years old, making his debut at the Apollo Theater at age six. Falling closer to the Art Tatum and Oscar Peterson side of the Hammond organ jazz genre than he does to Jimmy Smith, Henry combines the best of both gospel and jazz in his playing. His albums as a bandleader include the 2010 holiday set Christmas with You, 2011's Leave You Alone, and 2012's Gotcha Now Doc. The Revival appeared on Universal in 2016. Recorded in 2019 and released during the pandemic, Something to Say showcased the Funk Apostles and other players. Henry released the digital Live at the Piano in 2023 and the star-studded Church in 2024.
Rodné město
Brooklyn, NY, United States
Cory Henry: člen
Cory Henry je také členem nebo byl členem následujících skupin
Podobné jako: Cory Henry
Objevte další hudbu a umělce podobné umělci Cory Henry, jako je Cory Henry & The Funk Apostles, Snarky Puppy, Shaun Martin